*Project featured was performed by B. Thayer Associates and its professionals prior to joining PS&S.
In Phase 2 of New York State Department of Transportation’s (NYSDOT) Vision Plan for a Green Route 347, PS&S professionals provided Landscape Architecture, Arboriculture, Architecture, Structural Engineering and Construction Support Services (CSS) to transform Route 347 into a modified pedestrian corridor and greenway that ties together parks in central Long Island to the ports and harbors on the shores. This goal is achieved through improved traffic safety, new facilities for transit riders, and a shared-use pedestrian path along the corridor. The design elements support the Parks-to-Ports theme that unifies the corridor and promotes environmental sustainability and smart growth on Long Island.
Our ISA Certified Arborists inventoried, assessed and located over 2,400 trees using GPS technology. This inventory was used to quantify tree protection and removals required by the construction of new sound barrier walls and retaining walls. Our Landscape Architects generated Landscape Restoration drawings including a wetlands mitigation design required by NYSDEC. A Shared Use Path (SUP) highlighted with specialized pavement markings, connects to a Greenway. The SUP is enhanced with decorative pavements, benches and bicycle racks, information kiosks and interpretive signs, decorative LED solar lighting and shade structures. The adjacent landscape is designed with bio-swales and rain gardens.