Women's Inspiration Network





PS&S’ Women’s Inspiration Network Employee Resource Group’s (ERG) mission is to cultivate an inclusive environment that supports and encourages women to advance their skills and leadership potential through collaboration, community, connection, and mentorship. Our goal is to inspire and motivate women to expand their confidence to create new paths to self-determination.



  • Promote gender equality.
  • Support women in career development.
  • Provide networking opportunities.
  • Promote work-life balance.


  • Build strong and empowered employee communities.
  • Improve retention rates of female employees through mentorship.
  • Being a mentor and receiving mentorship.
  • Boost employee engagement.
  • Inclusive company culture leads to better client relationships and assists in business development.
  • Create meaningful and productive changes to company policies.
  • Increase number of women leaders and women in other qualified positions.
  • Assist the organizations’ employee networking efforts by participating in conferences, panels, job fairs, etc.