In May of 2019, our newly-formed distributed-electric aviation group stood up as the Urban Air Mobility Task Force, staffed by Ted Osborne and Jennifer Ganley (having award-winning experience in the Uber Elevate Vertiport design competition of 2018), and by Chuck Clauser, architect and licensed pilot.
Since its inception, the Task Force has participated in numerous in-person and virtual seminars, conferences, and workshops in a wide variety of UAM topics. We have served as a panelist on Vertical Flight Society Infrastructure Workshops and Varon Vehicles Think Tanks and Skyscraper virtual conferences.
PS&S was selected as Uber Elevate’s architect of record for the design of their UAM Vertiport in downtown Los Angeles prior to their sale to Joby Aviation. Additionally, we were selected by Varon Vehicles under a memorandum of understanding to serve as a design firm for their Air Mobility facilities in Columbia. We were also chosen to join Access Skyways, a consortium of five aviation-centered films led by Jaunt Air Mobility.