PS&S Integrated Services

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Essex County Parks Features Foley as Speaker for Administration Building Press Conference

PS&S is thrilled to share that our own Sean Foley was a featured speaker at the Essex County Parks Administration Building Press Conference, discussing our vital role in designing the rehabilitations. We were awarded a professional services contract for $643,000 to design the improvements to the Parks Administration Building.

This building is 107 years old, and the project includes preserving the building’s historical features and modernizing office and work areas. Because the building is registered as a national historic site, the rehabilitation will be conducted in compliance with the requirements of the NJ State Historic Preservation Office and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

Swipe to see close-ups of our design plans for the rehabilitations on both the first and second floors, which are projected to be completed by the summer of 2024.

Group Photo Credit: Glen Frieson, TAPintoLocal